New September 16th!

More New Arrivals!

We have our first big giveaway winner from Topps Hobby Rip Night! Adley Jumbo auto! Congrats Andrew!

New Sounders Singles! More Available In-Store!

More New Arrivals!

More New Back In Stocks!

New Arrivals!

All of the cards in this case are new as of this morning! Even more will be going out in this case soon, so come down and get the first shot!!

Check out a video here: DJ (@djs_sportscards) • Instagram photos and videos

Now Back In Stock!

New Becketts

New 1952 Topps Singles!

We are restocking cases after our sale and we are loaded with new singles! Here’s a few of them but we have tons more to go!

Check out a video of them here: DJ (@djs_sportscards) • Instagram photos and videos