New September 9th!

More New Arrivals!

New Vintage Singles!

More New Arrivals!

New $2 Deals!

Now Back In Stock!

New Raúl Ruidíaz Singles!

New $3 Deals!

New Arrivals!

New Roldan and Frei Singles!

Soccer box deals!

More New Arrivals!

George Kirby is having a great year for our Mariners! Check out some of the cards we just picked up of his!

New Matty Beniers Cards!

New George Kirby Collection! Come check it out at the store or see the video here: DJ (@djs_sportscards) • Instagram photos and videos

New Arrivals!

Here are some of the Customer Hits from this week at the store!

New lower prices on the following products!

We have a sealed case of Panini One Football available as well!


Check out Oscar’s Pull out of Pristine! Juan Soto Auto /25! More packs available now but going quickly!

Whatnot stream tonight at 6:30 PM! Tonight’s stream will feature
-Hundreds of 10 second auctions on cards handpicked by the DJ’s team
-Pack giveaways throughout the entire night
-Auctions featuring the players and teams you request in the comments

Come hangout with the DJ’s crew!