New November 2

More new cards!

Wow. Dave followed up with this.

We just saw our first box of Leaf Babe Ruth get opened. Dave pulled a 1/1 Yankee Stadium seat card and a 2/6 Babe Ruth bat card. The base cards are sweet too!

Nice Mariners items. Cano framed autographed game used gloves display $249.95.

Mariners game used base from Cano record breaking night MLB certified $199.95. Cano kept the base, this is the base that replaced it that night.

Game used ball from Ken Griffey Jr. Hall of Fame Weekend. This was the day he made the speech and brought the plaque to the field. Only 19 game used balls from this game were sold to the public. $149.95. SOLD!

Edgar Martinez autographed black baseball Mill Creek but coa lost $49.95.  Cano/Cruz game used ball MLB certified $49.95.

2 more game used balls $39.95 each.


Zion cards now available!